Genre: experimental playful experience
Experimental playful experience realised by Manu Wirth und Léa Coquoz, students of Zürich University of the Arts in Game Design. (2020)
Uncurtainty is an immersive interactive installation, where two players share a common time frame but experiment two distinct stories, separated by a curtain. Guided by a narrator, they will interact with that fabric and the person behind, with situations that can be amusing, surprising or confusing. Uncurtainty is about contact, communication, behavior and so much more.
H O W T O P L A Y _Take your phone. _Plug in headphones. _Choose a side. _Scan the QR-Code. _Place your feet on the black footprint marks. _Start the audio at the same time as your partner. _Put your phone into your pocket during the experience.
Have fun kids! ;)